In person worship

Each Sunday at 10:30 am

Join us for worship in the Sanctuary (September through June) or in The Refinery (July and August). We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday and through the program year, there is choir and children's program each Sunday. We look forward to welcoming you! 

Virtual worship continues

Virtual worship on ZOOM will continue each Sunday at 9:00 am 

Enjoy the video playbacks of our virtual services.  

Please contact Mojgan if you would like to join us "live" for our Sunday and midweek services.


A rich musical heritage is a significant part of life at Emmanuel.  

Our music is a joyful expression and celebration of God in our lives. 

Find out more about our music program 

Please contact Gillian if you would like to participate in our music program.

Worship Roles

Many people make our worship possible. In addition to pastor and musicians, you will see lay assistants, readers and greeters, Sunday school and healing prayer leaders, and coffee hour hosts. There also is technical support for Zoom, operating power point, creation of visuals for our themes, and altar guild preparing our special meal. We invite you to use your gifts in any of these roles! For more information please contact Mojgan or Pastor Fran.

Inclusion in Worship

We believe we are called to a ministry that includes all people. Emmanuel strives to create a place where people feel safe and welcome to truly be who they are, without judgement – an environment that is crucial for the neighbourhood in which we live.

As we live out this call, we want our liturgy to do the same by reflecting our inclusive values in its words, music, gestures and prayer.

It is in this context that our church wishes to be a leader.

At Emmanuel, we support the use of supplemental liturgical material authored and approved by the Anglican Church of Canada, including the supplementary collects which were approved at General Synod in 2019. Further to this we support the use of inclusive language in the liturgy out of care, love and respect for all people. In this we support the use of alternative ways to refer to God beyond that of male references, imagery and pronouns.