Nurture your Creativity and Spirit!  Become your best self! 

Register online or at 306.653.3549

2024 Fall Program - Classes will start on September 4th.


Brought to you by Dopamine Wellness, Animal Flow is a unique and dynamic quadrupedal movement practice which enhances strength, balance, power, endurance, speed, coordination, mobility, proprioception and more.  Whether you are a beginner looking to improve your fitness or an athlete seeking to improve your performance, Animal Flow® is for everyone.

Amin Nasr is a dynamic force in the world of fitness and wellness. As a BCRPA fitness leader and certified personal trainer, Amin’s fitness journey began at Cave Athletics in North Delta, British Columbia at the dawn of 2016. In 2018 Amin went on to graduate from Hilltop Academy in New Westminster and has since emerged as a versatile trainer, providing expertise in a variety of modalities, including Animal Flow® from Global Bodyweight Training. At present, he’s Saskatchewan’s only Animal Flow Level 1 certified instructor.

6 Wednesdays, Sept 4 - Oct 9

7:30 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.

Class Fee:  $75

Animal Flow®  will be held  in the upper level Theatre of The Refinery

Maximum 12 participants per session;  10 spaces remain


Bring your body and mind together in the rhythm of life!  Zumba®  is a dance-based fitness program that uses Latin and World music.  Slow and fast rhythms help to tone the body and at the same time provide interval training that can boost aerobic fitness.  Experience the joy of movement with Wendy, a licensed Zumba®  instructor with a long background in dance-based activities.

Session 1:  12 Mondays - Sept 9 - Dec 9 (no class on Oct 14 & Nov 11

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $108 per session 

Session 2:  12 Wednesdays - Sept 11 - Dec 4 (no class Nov 13)

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $108 per session 

or $192 when registering for both session 1 & 2

Drop-in fee:  $12 per class

Zumba®  will be held  in the upper level Theatre of The Refinery

Maximum 12 participants per session;  

Monday - 11 spaces remain

Wednesday -

A vibrant and accessible arts community is one of the many gifts that our city offers us.  We are grateful  to have several local artists sharing their time and talents with us this spring.  We hope you are able to participate and create 'art with artists' in our space!


You asked for time and space…and we listened!

Many of us enjoy creating in a group setting or are looking to be part of a casual creative community.  To help nurture a creative community the Refinery will host 2 creative Open Studio opportunities this fall - one in September and one in December. 


We have something special planned for our first Creative Community with 2 parts to enjoy: 

Part One:  A Black and White Affair, Art Style! - Friday evening, Sept 6 from 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. 

The evening will offer an opportunity to create an fun and easy small black and white paper project led by Janice.  There will be time to meet and socialize with others in the studio space and enjoy a delicious dessert together. 

At the end of the evening we will leave behind our own creative projects and our own materials to work with when we return Saturday morning for Part Two.  Bring a project from home that you’ve been meaning to start or one you are anxious to finish…bring something that brings you joy!

Part Two:  Creative Community - Open Studio - Saturday, Sept 7 from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

We will gather again to spend time getting creative!  Gift yourself the time and space to work on your own creative project using your own materials.  The energy of creating in a group setting can truly inspire us.  

Sept 6 & Sept 7

Friday, Sept 6 - 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Saturday, Sept 7 - 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Please bring a bag lunch.  Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be offered throughout the day.

Cost:  $30, includes materials for Friday evenings paper project

Creative Community - Open Studio will be held  in the lower-level of the Refinery

Maximum 13 participants;  9 spaces remain


EMPTY NEST is a significant time of transition.  It can mark an ending, a beginning, or a strange mix of both.  In this workshop, we will each consider our personal experience of Empty Nest in relation to the natural world while holding space for each other, and most importantly, our own hearts. Some things will be recognizable amongst each other, while each nest and the emptiness that is left may have different aspects for everyone.

Nests, as personal labours of love, are built with expectation.  In this workshop you will have an opportunity to physically weave and construct a nest while reflecting on what you’ve built in life and what you want moving forward.

There will be dedicated sharing time at the beginning and the end of the workshop day, as well as an introduction on materials and Nest Building at the start of the morning.

Materials will be provided (natural and weaving fabrics).  You are encouraged to bring a journal or sketchbook, writing or drawing implements, and any special fibres or significant items you would like to weave into your nest (beads, cloth, ribbon, rings, shoelace, flowers).


Monika Kinner is the daughter of a land based artist & refugee who was brought to Canada as a child with her parents. Monika lives and works on Treaty Six Territory and as such, has a deep gratitude for the Prairie which is her home. Not knowing that fibre could be an art medium, Monika pursued Social Work and Human Justice in the early ‘90s, working as a trauma counsellor and client advocate.

As a mother, she was unexpectedly introduced to Fibre Art through the Saskatoon Quilt Guild. Since 2009, Monika has worked full time as a land based Artist, specializing in Embroidery, recreating everything she loves about our beloved Prairie with needle and thread. She has been teaching and lecturing actoss Western Canada since that time. In 2015, she naturally began working in Soft Pastel also, the medium of her late mother.

Monika Kinner's award winning work has been exhibited, published, and commissioned locally, nationally and internationally. The passion she has for her work is twofold: to impress up the public the validity of textile (a traditional medium of Women’s work) as an art form, and to enchant the viewer with the overwhelming love she has for the often undervalued and belittled Prairie landscape. She feels validated in all her callings as they come full circle in support of each other.

Monday, Sept 9

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Please bring a bag lunch.  Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be offered throughout the day.

Class Fee:  $65, including materials 

Empty Nest Workshop will be held  in the lower-level of the Refinery

Maximum 12 participants; 


Join Fibre artist, Dianne Murphy, to create your own magical needle felted owl.  Needle felting is an ancient craft, which involves using barbed needles to sculpt natural wool fibres into shapes.  It is great fun, very therapeutic and quite addictive!  Dianne’s background in zoology and biology often inspires her art, and she is looking forward to sharing her passion through needle felting.

Tuesday, Sept 10

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $ 30, including materials

Felted Owls will be held  in the lower-level of the Refinery

Maximum 12 participants;  5 spaces remain


This six-week course is designed for everyone from those who have little or no experience in watercolor to more experienced painters.  It will focus on getting comfortable with watercolor painting techniques and enjoying the process of painting.  The basics of materials, techniques and "seeing" your subject will be explored.

6 Mondays - Sept 23 - Nov 4 (no class Oct 14)

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $ 110, materials NOT included.  A material list will be sent to participants at time of registration.

Watercolor will be held  in the lower-level of the Refinery

Maximum 12 participants;  10 spaces remain


This class will focus on developing fundamental watercolor skills. Each week, Susan Huntley, will take participants through the stages of design and composition, drawing, and painting.  You will tackle a variety of subjects from landscapes and skies to still life and florals.  This session is designed to be fun and inspirational, and will focus on how to relax and enjoy the creative process of watercolor.

6 Wednesdays - Sept 25 - Oct 30

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $ 110, materials NOT included.  A material list will be sent to participants at time of registration.

Watercolor II will be held  in the lower-level of the Refinery

Maximum 12 participants;  7 spaces remain


Be still, and know that I am God. 

                                   Psalm 46:10


Centering Prayer is a receptive method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. 


Centering Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer. Rather, it adds depth of meaning to all prayer and facilitates the movement from more active kinds of prayer into a receptive prayer of resting in God. Centering Prayer emphasizes prayer as a personal relationship with God and as a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion with Christ. 


During the in-person sessions, you will be introduced to Centering Prayer through lectures and slides, and you'll also have the opportunity to ask questions. We will practice Centering Prayer together to experience the support and enrichment of a group.


You will receive a book as part of the course: "Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God" by J. David Muyskens. You are encouraged to use it to develop a daily practice. In addition, you will be invited to join a weekly Zoom call where themes from the book are further developed, and where we practice Centering Prayer together from the comfort of our homes. 

Ana Gheyssen has been a practitioner of Centering Prayer for over ten years.  She holds a Masters of Psychotherapy and Spirituality from St. Stephen's College and has been interested in the intersection of an active life with a contemplative one for many years. Her attraction to silence has led her to participate in 14 silent retreats where she has followed Jesus' instruction:


     But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:6

2 Saturdays - Sept 14 & 21

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $ 40, includes "Forty Days to A Closer Walk With God" book - $20 value

Introduction to Centering Prayer will be held  in the lower-level church hall

Maximum 15 participants;  11 spaces remain


In these two, 2-hour sessions we will begin by exploring our experiences of writing and what it might mean if writing and journal-keeping were a time for contemplation or ‘spiritual practice’. Together we will explore some of the reasons and ways that writing and journaling can be life-giving and how the approaches we develop can help us connect with our deeper selves. We will also put some of our discussions into a fun writing practice each week and offer a short time of sharing, as participants choose. 


This workshop is for anyone interested in journaling and other forms of writing from beginners to published authors and will offer some new sparks of creativity and inspiration for your own practice.


Materials will be provided but feel free to bring a blank journal or paper and a favorite pen.

Shelly Manley-Tannis is a minster, spiritual director, and artist with a certificate from the WHEAT (Winnipeg Holistic Expressive Arts Therapy) program. She has kept some form of journal for over 40 years and loves writing, visual journaling, upcycling, music and photography. 


Originally from Ontario, Shelly has lived on the prairie for 23 years. She works part-time with the folks at Davidson United Church and enjoys offering workshops as well as one-on-one spiritual companioning. She spends her time between Saskatoon and Manitou Beach, both part of Treaty 6 Territory, with her spouse and 2 active dogs. Shelly loves encouraging others on their journey.


To learn more about Shelly visit

2 Mondays - Sept 16 & 23

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $ 50, including materials

Contemplative Writing and Journaling will be held  in the lower-level of the Refinery

Maximum 12 participants;  10 spaces remain


Join us for a sound journey experience with The Sound of Om.  Naomi is an enlightened sound practitioner who helps bridge the infinite to the finite by tuning our inner song.  She has been playing with sound since as long as she can remember and touched her hand to a single crystal singing bowl about two years ago.  Naomi has expanded to a 10 bowl set with which she creates compositions and moves emotions through chords and grace notes.


A vast majority of society has their central nervous system sitting in fight, flight or freeze mode, which is hugely triggered by stress.  The sound of the crystal singing bowls help create a deep state of relaxation so the central nervous system can surrender to rest, digest & amp; rejuvenation.  In his book, The Healing Power of Sound, Dr. Mitchell Gaynor states “what happens to us on an emotional and spiritual level affects us physiologically.  One of the most powerful ways to manifest health and well-being is to conjure an image of your own essence and then animate that image with sound and breath.”


Join Naomi to embrace the beauty of the sounds that she creates with the crystal singing bowls.  Pivot to breathe with intention and release anything that isn’t serving your holistic being.  Re-connect with your inner song.

Offering #1:  Tuesday, Sept 24

Offering #2:  Tuesday, Oct 29

Offering #3:  Tuesday, Nov 26

7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $25 

The Sound of Om will be held  in the upper-level theatre

Maximum 12 participants; 

Sept - 10 spaces remain

Oct - 10 spaces remain

Nov - 10 spaces remain


Dive into the creative world of Junk Journals by turning trash into treasure.  Discover a new way to view trash we find at home by transforming it to create beautiful tags, pockets, and emphemera for our junk journals.  

You’ll see that the possibilities are endless!

Saturday, Oct 5

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Fee:  $55 - including materials 

The Beauty of Junk Journals will be held  in the lower-level church hall 

Maximum 12 participants;  10 spaces remain


Have you ever considered writing your life story but didn’t know where to start or whether it would be interesting enough for others to read?  For most of us, our life is a disorganized collection of experiences, good and bad, as well as emotions, insights, losses, gains,

and periods of stagnation and growth.  You can’t go to a store to find a ready-made picture of your life.  It’s up to you to create your story by assembling life’s pieces.  Writing your life story is a significant undertaking, but if you don’t accept the challenge and write about it, who will?  Your story matters because you are the only one who can tell it.


By the end of this course, you will understand the differences between an autobiography

and a memoir and have practical skills to start writing your life story.  You’ll learn how to create your own Life Grid and Life Time Line, powerful tools that will guide you in delving into your memories to understand your past.  These tools will help you gather memories and confidently write about your past.  Through guided individual and group exercises, you’ll learn how to tap into your past, develop a theme for your story, and maybe even come up with a title. 

Marilyn Frey, an experienced facilitator, is a long-time member of the Saskatchewan

Writers’ Guild and several local writing groups. She is also an alumnus of Alison Wearing’s 12-

week Memoir Writing, Ink course, winning first prize in Micki Findlay’s International 50-Word

Contest in 2023. Marilyn has two published books, Reflections in a Farmhouse Window and

Wilma, and short stories in anthologies such as Chicken Soup for the Soul, Fun on the Farm 3,

Folklore, and Canadian Stories magazines. Writing is her passion, and Marilyn is eager to help

you on your journey to writing your life story.

Monday, Oct 7

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $50 

Getting to  the Root of Writing Your Life Story will be held  in the lower level of The Refinery

Maximum 8 participants;  6 spaces remain


Let Fibre Artist Barbara Schmidt, introduce you to the art of wet and dry felting.  Felting techniques will be taught in two parts.


Week 1:  Wet Felting – Learn an ancient process which uses loose wool fibres, water and soap to produce a cloth or fabric.  You will combine wool, yarns, silk and other natural fibres and witness the magical transformation of raw fleece into your own creative painting.


Week 2:  Dry Felting – Add embellishment or detail to your wet felted piece using needle felting techniques.  You can build up features to add dimension, secure fibres and add additional colour or shading as desired.   Relax and enjoy the process as the rhythmic motion of the needle transforms the wool in a meditative way. 

2 Tuesdays - Oct 1 & 8

Oct 1 - 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Oct 8 - 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Class Fee:  $90, including materials

Painting with Wool II will be held  in the lower level of The Refinery

Maximum 12 participants;  9 spaces remain


Lately the word “storytelling” has been used to describe almost every art form.  For this workshop, we will go back to it’s earliest roots, the spoken word.  We will draw from our life experiences and family histories to find stories that have much in common with the great myths and sagas of traditional literature.  You do not have to be a great public speaker or a writer: just bring your curiosity and willingness to connect with a community of other friendly adventurers.

Chris Lindgren began working as a full time professional storyteller and musician in 1983. Since that time she has toured all over Western Canada, doing over 3,000 performances for schools, libraries and other groups. She has performed for all ages at coffee houses, festivals and concerts in a variety of settings.

Chris has been awarded grants from both the Canada Council and the Saskatchewan Arts Board, and is well respected in the larger storytelling community. She has led workshops for storytelling groups in Alberta and B.C. as well as in her own province of Saskatchewan. Chris founded the Saskatoon Storyteller's Guild in the early 1980s.

2 Wednesdays - Oct 16 & 23

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Fee:  $35 

Storytelling:  Actively Exploring the Possibilities will be held  in the lower-level of the Refinery

Maximum 12 participants;  10 spaces remain

A SILKY ECO PRINT - Moving Beyond Paper to Create a  Silk Scarf with LORETTA HARTSOOK

Eco-printing is the process of creating unique prints of leaves, flowers, grasses and

seeds. The process transfers the shapes and colors of botanicals to a variety of papers or fabrics. The results can be wonderfully surprising!


In this eco print class, we will use a white silk scarf, a mordant, white vinegar, heat,

plastic wrap, a dowel and moisture to create prints.  Loretta will provide materials and guided instruction to assist the creative process of printing.


Participants will be required to bring:


·         A variety of fresh botanicals.  Keep them moist by wrapping in a

damp cloth or paper towel inside a plastic bag or container.  Fresh botanicals

can include leaves in green or autumn colors, flowers, grasses, seeds, colored

vegetables (sliced thin), indoor and outdoor plants.  It is always better to have

MORE botanicals than you think you might need.


·         A large towel the size of a bath or beach towel to cover the table

surface at your workstation.


The only eco printing we will work on during this class is a silk scarf.  There won’t be an opportunity this time for personal materials or other eco projects to be processed.


There will be a fun and easy crafty activity for participants to do while the leaves and the

silk is processed for approximately an hour or up to 90 minutes.


After the steaming process, the scarf will be cooled, opened, botanicals removed

and you will take home a final product that is a one-of-a-kind creation.

Saturday, Oct 19

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $50 - including materials.  

A Silky Eco Print will be held  in the lower-level church hall

Maximum 10 participants;   9 spaces remain


Come join us and learn how to make a beautiful dry felted poppy you can wear to show your gratitude for all those who sacrificed their lives so that we can enjoy the freedoms in ours.  This will be a fun low-key class and no previous felting experience is necessary. 


The facilitator will donate $5 of each registration to the Legion’s Poppy Campaign.

Tuesday, Oct 22

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Class Fee:  $20, including materials

Remeber Us - Felted Poppies will be held  in the lower-level of The Refinery

Maximum 20 participants16 spaces remain


Gift yourself time to create a mixed media Advent project that will encourage you to continue to create throughout Advent in small and meaningful ways.  Finding time to create throughout the holiday season can often be a challenge, this project will provide a starting point to create smaller pieces of art using simple words as inspiration during Advent. This mixed media project is one that anyone can do.


During Advent we look beyond ourselves opening our hearts to others through mindful contemplation and prayer…this project allows us to be beautifully creative at the same time.

Wednesday, Nov 27

7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Class Fee:  $30, including materials

Advent  Tag Book will be held  in the lower-level of The Refinery

Maximum 10 participants;   8 spaces remain


You asked for time and space…and we listened!

Many of us enjoy creating in a group setting or are looking to be part of a casual creative community.  To help nurture a creative community the Refinery will host 2 creative Open Studio opportunities this fall - one in September and one in December. 


Gather at the Refinery and get creative!  Gift yourself the time and space to work on your own creative project using your own materials.  The energy of creating in a group setting can truly inspire us.  Bring a bagged lunch or dine out as desired.  Light refreshments will be offered throughout the day.

Saturday, Dec 7

10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Fee:  $15 - participants bring their own project and their own materials

A Creative Community - Open Studio will be held  in the lower-level of The Refinery

Maximum 13 participants;   7 spaces remain

FOAM PLATE PRINTMAKING - Like You've Never Seen it Before! with HEIDI GUENTHER

Join Heidi Guenther in this fun and experimental class where we will combine foam plate printmaking with mixed media.  During this class you will create your own foam plate prints, print them on wood and then embellish the prints with metallic paint markers, glitter paint pens and other media.


You will be able to trace Heidi’s designs or make your own.  Heidi will show you some tips and tricks to add finishing touches to your artwork and will teach you how to turn mistakes into opportunities.  You’ll be amazed at what you can create!


All supplies are included but please come prepared with approximately four simple line drawings or a theme in mind for your project.

Tuesday, Dec 10

7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $50, including materials

Foam Plate Printmaking will be held  in the lower-level of The Refinery

Maximum 12 participants


How we define prayer or blessings can be complex and hold a unique and deeply rooted meaning for each of us.  In this contemplative workshop we will take time to explore our own sense of prayer.  We will create a beautiful beaded bracelet where the various beads hold the intentions of our own personal prayers, written with each bead in mind.  At the end of the workshop, we will each have a bracelet we connect with in a deep and spiritual way.  Whether we choose to wear it, hold it, or gift it to someone we care about, this beaded bracelet will carry our prayers and a special part of ourselves.

Monday, Dec 16

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Class Fee:  $30, including materials

Prayer Bracelet will be held  in the lower level of The Refinery

Maximum 12 participants10 spaces remain