Engage with us

Getting involved is one of the best ways to get to know any community.  A church as lively as Emmanuel Anglican with the Refinery  Arts & Spirit Centre thrives on people like you taking part.  Whether you are drawn to a specific role in our Sunday service, an opportunity for outreach, hosting a social gathering, or another of our many programs, we deeply appreciate you sharing your time and talents with Emmanuel.  We invite you to explore our pages or ask us to discover more about Emmanuel’s opportunities.

Find out ways to give financially to Emmanuel  Here

Program AGM: Preview

Watch this preview video to learn about how Emmanuel is presenting its unique Program Annual General Meeting this year, 2024.

Caring in Community

Watch this video to learn more about the many ways we support others within and beyond Emmanuel.

Supporting Emmanuel

Watch this video to learn more about how supporting ministries facilitate and flow through Emmanuel's other three themes.

Vibrant Worship

In this video, you will learn about Emmanuel's vibrant worship, central to who we are and why we exist as Emmanuel, God with us! 

Nourishing Spirit

In this video, you will learn about ways that Emmanuel nourishes spirit, fosters a sense of  community, and honours the connection with the Divine.